Seems like a fair heavy start, nothing too much to change. Though playing at 25 points will restrict/change the play style of the army, though you said it was to learn the list. But you have already played a few games, so do you you need too learn the mechanics or the style of play?
If your going for twenty-five points here's my fifty pence worth;
Lord of the feast or an Argus
Shifting stones and stone keeper
Blood trackers min unit
If you really want that third beast then the shifting stones and lord of the feast options can be dropped and give you the Satyr.
Been doing some trolling on the big boys websites and it seems a fairly standard build now for two heavies and a light or so.
Here's a link to the privateer press forums that you will probably know, but there are a few nuggets of nastiness; a good one as I feel some amphibious fun on the horizon.....