Dice & Dagger are holding a 1,500 pt 40k doubles tournament on Sunday 8th November, 750 pts per player std FOC.
Entries close 25th October has been extended to 30th oct
Anybody interested let Jay know
or contact Kurt
celtofkernow@aol.com Event to be held at Statton Community hall, Union Hill, Statton, near Bude Cornwall
9.30 - 10.00 Arrive and sign in
10.00 - 11.30 Game 1 Unconventional warfare
11.30 - 11.45 Break and scoring
11.45 - 1.15 Game 2 Firebase
1.15 - 2.15 Lunch
2.15 - 3.45 Game3 Sabotage
3.45 - 4.40 Final scores and prizes
Each doubles team consists of two players
Each player must have an army of no more than 750pts standard force organization
Each player will require an objective marker on a base no bigger than 60mm x60mm
Each player will require appropriate rulebooks and Codex’s
Each player will require tape, dice and appropriate templates
Entry Money £8 Per Team
To Bring Lunch would be a good idea
Game1 Unconventional warfare
Randomly chose two objectives to capture number objective 1-4 5-6 you choose
Game 2 Firebase
Control any two objective markers
Game3 Sabotage
Destroy both enemy objective counters in close combat, all non vehicle infantry models have explosives for the job. You must end your move phase by it and spent your assault phase doing nothing but setting the charges at the end of the assault phase the objective is destroyed